I'll Become the Head of the Family


Welcome to "I'll Become the Head of the Family," a heartwarming manga that will take you on a journey of love, family, and personal growth. In this manga, you will follow the captivating story of our protagonist as they navigate the challenges and joys of becoming the head of their family. With its unique blend of genres and engaging plot, this manga is sure to captivate readers of all ages and interests.

The Story

Discovering New Responsibilities and Challenges

In "I'll Become the Head of the Family," we witness the transformation of our main character as they unexpectedly find themselves thrust into the role of the family's leader. This sudden responsibility comes with its own set of challenges, forcing them to confront their own limitations and grow in ways they never thought possible. As they navigate this new role, they will encounter heartwarming moments, unexpected friendships, and a deeper understanding of the meaning of family.

A Tale of Love and Connection

At the heart of this manga is the theme of love and connection. Through various relationships and interactions, our protagonist learns the importance of fostering strong bonds with their family members and loved ones. From sibling dynamics to the complexities of romantic relationships, "I'll Become the Head of the Family" explores the different facets of love and the power it has to transform lives.

Themes of Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

As our protagonist takes on the responsibility of being the head of the family, they embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Throughout the manga, they learn valuable life lessons, overcome their fears and insecurities, and develop into a stronger and more capable individual. This theme of personal growth resonates with readers, inspiring them to reflect on their own journeys and embrace the challenges that come their way.


"I'll Become the Head of the Family" is a heartwarming manga that delves into the complexities of love, family, and personal growth. With its captivating story and relatable characters, this manga offers readers a delightful and emotionally fulfilling reading experience. Whether you are a fan of romance, drama, or slice-of-life genres, this manga is a must-read. So dive into the world of "I'll Become the Head of the Family" and join our protagonist on their journey to becoming the head of their family and discovering the true meaning of love and connection.